Originally two different Linux distros for kids, DebianEdu and Skolelinux merged back in 2003 and became a single distribution known simply as DebianEdu/Skolelinux. ‘Skolelinux’ literally means ‘School Linux’ in Norwegian and is a good indication of what the developers were trying to achieve with this distribution.

13 Best Linux Distro For Laptop For 2019 (Updated) It is one of the best Linux distro for Laptop which specially made for Mac OS X lovers. As like Deepin Linux, Elementary OS has it’s own desktop environment pantheon. It has some unique features including workspace switching, application launcher like Mac OS X, … Project Ubuntu: Getting Linux Running on Your Mac 2020-6-28 · The issues that arise when getting a Linux distribution working on a Mac usually revolve around two problem areas: getting an installer to work correctly with the Mac, and finding and installing all the needed drivers so the essential parts of the Mac work. For old PowerPC Mac, what Linux distro can I use? [SOLVED 2019-9-14 Come Eseguire Linux su Mac: 10 Passaggi (con …

2020-5-8 · So I'm looking for a light distro to install. They only use the laptop to go on internet (any browser) and use Open Office or equivalent. But I need a very intuitive distro 'cause they don't very understand how a computer works and I'm too far away for any computer maintenance (I just can install the distro for Christmas).

Best Linux distro for the Macbook Pro? | InfoWorld Linux on the Macbook Pro. Some users love Apple's hardware and have substituted Linux for OS X on the Macbook Pro. Amazon even sells used Macbook Pros for those who want an Apple laptop without Linux breathes new life into old Mac computers | InfoWorld

Create a Linux Live USB in Mac OS X, for any Distro

2007-11-13 Best 10 Linux Distros 2020 - PuTTYgen 2014-10-1 · Linux distributions, often known as a distro, are operating systems developed from a software collection based on the Linux kernel. Most users use Linux by downloading one of the many Linux distros. Linux operating systems are most familiar to coders, programmers, and gamers. Choice of distro for a Mac user who wants to learn Linux 2020-4-11 · Ideally, this distro will be a relatively “generic” one, in that any Linux/Unix-specific skills learned there can be transferred readily to other common distros. To summarize, I am seeking a distro with these properties: Conducive to learning the inner workings of Unix. Forces me to learn why, not just how, things are done in Unix. Follows Linux Distro To Try: GMac Linux - Casanova Information